Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Nairobi - June 2, 2009

This morning Evangeline and I took Xan to school for his last exam and we visited the school store where they sell beautiful items made by very poor African women. ALL proceeds goes directly to them. I bought quite a few items there for very little money. I feel sort of guilty getting them so cheap. Note to my girlfriends in West Palm Beach: I will be bringing LOTS of neat little gifts home!
We came home and I worked on yesterday's blog then we went out to explore the Indian shops in search of Kurtis tops. We spent all afternoon cramped together in little hot dressing rooms trying on Kurtis. Once the shop keepers would figure out what size and style we wanted they would slam us with stacks to try on. I was so happy to be shopping again with Evangeline. She is so good at telling what looks good on me. Also she is real savvy with negotiating prices. I came home with a total of FIVE new tops! It was a very successful shopping trip! We also did a little grocery shopping and came home and when Hubert got home he made mojitos and started cooking. Evangeline and I were his sous chefs and we almost got fired a couple of times. The dinner was awesome and so were the mojitos! After dinner we closed all the windows and let Jibari (Xan's cat) out and let him wander around downstairs. He is really a little booger! Poor Truffles doesn't quite know what to think of this new addition to the family. The cat is pretty mean to her so I had to give her some reassurance the whole time. After that it was off to bed. Sorry I did not take ANY pictures today. We were too busy trying on all those Kurtis and I know you don't want to see pictures of us in our underwear!!!

1 comment:

  1. Who knew shopping in Kenya would be so much fun! But then again, shopping is always fun especially when you and Evangeline go:) Mojitos - yummy - how's the African rum? Love and hugs to you all. Judy
